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Sunday 18 September 2022 at 18:30 - 19:00

Elena Bellantoni and Silvano Manganaro“How to Do Things with Words”: performance between theory and practice

MAXXI L’Aquila, NXT stage
free admission subject to availability

A two-part talk that starting from the experiences of PERFORMATIVE 02 questions and opens up endless, new, possibilities.

Starting from the lived experiences during the days of PERFORMATIVE02, the dialogue between Elena Bellantoni and Silvano Manganaro investigates the possible and multiple declinations of performance from both theoretical and practical/experiential perspectives. While language does not have the only function of declaring something but can constitute an action in itself (J. L. Austin), the “lived body,” which characterizes every performance, is to be understood as a series of immaterial stratifications in the physical body, which without this component would be a simple shell.

other events of the PEFORMATIVE 02 cycle