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Saturday 17 September 2022 at 11:00 - 11:30

Annalisa SacchiUn’arte della sparizione (An Art of Disappearance)

MAXXI L’Aquila, NXT stage
free admission subject to availability

In accepting this transitory, ephemeral being, we accept something that is much more than performance: it is existence.

Unlike other artistic expressions, with the outbreak of the global pandemic, liveness practices have been radically faced with the problem of presence, because bodies, in addition to being the expressive material of performance, are viral vectors. Organic body and social body thus intertwine, and the phenomenologies linked to the status of bodies come to the fore. It is no coincidence that, with the lockdown, the first places to close were precisely the theatres. On the other hand, the strength of performance lies in its ephemerality, in its being faster than the archive, so that it escapes the logic of monumentalisation and museification and leaves the exchange system. Performance thus follows a biological destiny: it goes past.

other events of the PEFORMATIVE 02 cycle