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© Valérie Sonnier, 2018
Friday 16 September 2022 at 17:30 - 18:20

performanceViolaine LochuBabel Babel

MAXXI L’Aquila, sala della voliera
free admission subject to availability
it is necessary to arrive 15 minutes before the beginning of the performance
access is not allowed once the performance has begun

From the pure and ancestral sounds of babies’ vocalisations to their distortions and repetitions by the artist

From the age of three months, babies begin to vocalise; in a purely physical and perceptive game, they explore the possibilities of their voice without the sounds they emit necessarily being addressed to anyone or carrying any particular meaning.
Babel Babel is a performance composed of children’s babble performed in various kindergartens since 2016. Using this sound material that displaces, repeats, distorts, Violaine Lochu reveals the richness and different sound layers of babble, the anticipator of language, evoker of imaginary or distant idioms or even non-human expressions, bearer of the pure pleasure of saying that brings it closer to poetry.

other events of the PEFORMATIVE 02 cycle