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Schizzo 3, 4 per Una parete che scotta, 2022. Courtesy l’artista
Saturday 17 September 2022 at 17:30 - 18:30

con-formanceGiulia CrispianiA burning wall

L’Aquila Academy of Fine Arts Theater
free entrance subject to availability

An immersion in an architecture that becomes a custodian of memories, voices and sensations.

In the staircase of the Accademia di Belle Arti in L’Aquila, designed by Paolo Portoghesi, Crispiani seems to be asking us a question: “Do you remember the classroom that burns, the door that speaks, the corridors that touch – how many stories have come down these stairs here, how many echoes in the courtyard that still reverberate in the silence of an entire summer. Were you there? We were”
Giulia Crispiani creates an erotic-subversive avant-garde that eradicates the patriarchal logic of language. Her artistic practice develops from the written word, privileging interviews, love letters and manifestos as formal outcomes of her research. Her work incorporates the generative force of feminist movements, configuring itself as the creation of a desired community that becomes an active part of her research.

other events of the PEFORMATIVE 02 cycle