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Thursday 15 September 2022 at 15:30 - 18:00

performanceMuta ImagoSonora Desert

Palazzetto dei Nobili
the experience lasts 1 hour per person
free entrance by reservation
booking link available soon

An original format straddling installation, concert and sensorial experience, inviting the spectator to experience a liminal dimension of the self where one can encounter one’s own unconscious and archetypal memory.

Inspired by a journey to the Sonora Desert – one of the vastest American deserts, a mythical place located between Arizona and Mexico – the performance brings together the investigation into the nature of time that the company has been conducting in recent years with the research carried out in America in the 1960s on the relationship between vibrations and states of consciousness.
Sonora Desert is a place experienced between sleep and wakefulness, an environment of sound, light and colour vibrations, in dialogue with music specially composed by Alvin Curran. In this deserted space, an absolute and empty space of sense culture, sociality and relationships, one can enter into a profound relationship with the reality of a world where time and the self tend to merge, until they disappear. The scene disappears, all human presence disappears, the possibility of narrative disappears: everything happens in the mind of the spectator.

other events of the PEFORMATIVE 02 cycle