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Saturday 16 September 2023 at 14:00 - 15:00

performanceJohn Cascone and Jacopo Natoli with Elena Bellantoni, David Zerbib and the students of the Academy of Fine arts of L’Aquila and ESAAA – École Supérieure d’Art Annecy-AlpesL'Oltrefesta

MAXXI L’Aquila, Courtyard and room 29
free entrance subject to availability

An exploration of the senses of celebration as a collective experience, as a multiplication of centres, as a dissemination of acts, as a loss of time

In the workshop/performance project created in collaboration with the Performative Techniques department led by Elena Bellantoni at the Academy of Fine Arts of L’ Aquila and David Zerbib at the Annecy-Alpes Academy (France), artists John Cascone and Jacopo Natoli were invited to interact with Italian and French students during an intensive workshop during Performative03. The aim is to create a “party figure score” that will culminate in a work open to the public.


free guided tour of the Marisa Merz Shilpa Gupta visibileinvisibile exhibition at 8pm
sponsor CDP

other events of the eventi cycle