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Ilaria Mancia © ph. Pietro Bertora
Saturday 16 September 2023 at 11:30 - 12:00

talkIlaria ManciaRelational power of performance and potential models for museums

MAXXI L’Aquila, Eccezione stage
free entrance subject to availability

How artists use different languages and media, questioning their limits, addressing central themes of the contemporary world and also creating a dialogue with sciences

The performative dimension is the one in which interdisciplinary instances are best expressed. The museum space can be an essential place for this transformation, activating models of integration between production, education and new modes of presentation. Performance, thanks to its relational power, can create forms of encounter with the public that go beyond the limits of the exhibition and performance, leading museum institutions to become themselves “performative” thanks to new forms of fruition. Some international experiences in recent years demonstrate that this new vision is possible.
Ilaria Mancia is curator, organiser and playwright of interdisciplinary visual and performing arts projects. She has worked with various national and international theatre and dance artists and companies, international performing arts festivals and theatres and collaborated with independent spaces. Lecturer of “Performing techniques for the visual arts” (academic year 2022/23) at NABA Rome, Fashion Design BA and Visual Arts BA.


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