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Amala Dianor, Wo Man, ph. Romain Tissot
Saturday 14 September 2024 at 12:00 - 18:30

danceAmala DianorWo MAN

MAXXI L’Aquila, Sala della Voliera 
free admission subject to availability

A choreographer and a dancer create a game of mirrors around the theme of identity, mixing hip-hop and contemporary dance and drawing on the Senegalese roots of both.

Seven years after her iconic solo part Man Rec, Amala Dianor has imagined a female version for Nangaline Gomis. A performer with an intense energy, the dancer manages to transpose herself into another body, reconstructing and reinventing the story. For the choreographer, this solo becomes an extension of himself, supported by the tone, vitality and fervour of a young performer.
Man means ‘me’ in Wolof, Man Rec is ‘just me’. Wo-Man is the female version of this choral ‘I’, rich in diverse influences and plural roots.

Choreography Amala Dianor
original music Awir Léon
interpreter Nangaline Gomis
lights and general organisation Nicolas Tallec
Costumes Laurence Chalou, direzione Mélanie Roger
production manager Lucie Jeannenot
Sound Ugo Raimbault
Lights Agathe Geffroy

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