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Friday 13 September 2024 at 12:30 - 13:30

performanceSilvia Calderoni + Ilaria CaleothefutureisNOW?

L’Aquila, Piazza Santa Margherita
free admission subject to availability

A performative action that spreads across different spaces and contexts, rewriting an uncontrollable liquid score each time.

The performance takes up the performance Zen for Head, by Nam June Paik (1962) where the artist dipped his head in paint and drew a line on the paper, leaving the work open to anyone who wanted to reproduce it. Following Fluxus poetics, thefutureisNOW? takes place over a duration that is determined by a specific temporality: the exhaustion of a material, the evaporation of a substance, the consumption of all energy. Starting from the bodily gesture and the liquid substance, Silvia Calderoni and Ilenia Caleo bring out two visions: those of bioluminescences – of body-bacteria- and that of corpitoxics/corpicorrosives – the polluting substances, the agents that break and destroy.

An action born within the Flu水o framework, an articulated immersive and cross-disciplinary project, winner of the Italian Council (9th Edition, 2020) curated by Davide Quadrio and signed by Alessandro Sciarroni.

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