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Luca Lo Pinto © Photo Giovanna Silva
Friday 15 September 2023 at 11:30 - 12:00

lectureLuca Lo PintoPerforming the exhibition

MAXXI L’Aquila, Eccezione stage
free admission subject to availability

A reflection on the relationship between exhibition and the performative dimension

The talk focuses on the relationship between exhibition and performance with a reflection on exhibition projects that have been able to apply the performative dimension to the exhibition format.
Luca Lo Pinto is the artistic director of MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome. From 2014 to 2019, he worked as curator of the Kunsthalle Wien. He is co-founder of the magazine and publishing house NERO. Over the years he has produced a series of solo exhibitions and publications and in 2012 he edited the book Documenta 1955-2012. La storia infinita di due amanti (Documenta 1955-2012. The never-ending story of two lovers). He has contributed to numerous exhibition and magazine catalogues, including Spike, Mousse, Flash Art, Purple, Rolling Stone.

other events of the estate al MAXXI L'Aquila cycle