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Friday 13 September 2024 at 11:00 - 11:30

talkIlaria CaleoIncandescences. Performance in the space of fights

MAXXI L’Aquila, Courtyard
free admission subject to availability

A reflection on the fusion of art and activism, from which new languages and autonomous institutions emerge.

Artistic and political incandescences often emerge from the intersection of creative experimentation and the search for new languages. These collective processes create practices that overcome the individualism promoted by the culture industry, generating powerful imaginaries and independent institutions. Starting with the collective volume In fiamme. La performance nello spazio delle lotte (1967-1979), edited by Ilenia Caleo, Piersandra Di Matteo and Annalisa Sacchi, we explore the conflict, the performativity of struggles and the complex relationship between art and activism. The aim is to find methodologies that reflect complex ecosystems and multiple temporalities, drawing inspiration from the struggles of the long year 1968 in Italy to address contemporary issues.

other events of the PERFORMATIVE 04 cycle