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Friday 7 July 2023 at 19:00 - 21:00

#estatealMAXXIaq • talkDi animali e uomini (Of animals and men)with Mia Canestrini and Fabrizio Rondolino

Palazzo Ardinghelli’s courtyard
free admission subject to availability

What is man’s place among living beings and how many lessons can we learn from listening to and carefully observing the animal nature around us?

Starting from the books Nelle terre dei lupi (In the land of wolves) and Compagni di viaggio (Fellow travellers), the two authors Mia Canestrini and Fabrizio Rondolino discuss the relationship between animals and humans. The zoologist’s fascinating journey in search of the tracks of an extraordinary, feared and mysterious mammal is intertwined with the stories of dogs and other pets told by the journalist.

introduced and moderated by

Alessandro Giuli President of Fondazione MAXXI


Mia Canestrini zoologist, populariser, writer
Fabrizio Rondolino journalist, writer and TV author


in collaboration with Piemme Edizioni and Rizzoli

other events of the estate al MAXXI L'Aquila cycle