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Nati al MAXXI
Saturday 2 March 2024 at 16:00 - 17:00

laboratory for familiesBorn at MAXXI – Games in the shadowsPerformance visit for children aged 0 to 3 years accompanied by families

€15 for participation, including entrance fee to the Museum for accompanying adult
mandatory reservation through online form

duration 45 minutes
maximum limit of 30 participants

Family laboratory at MAXXI L’Aquila!

A different exploration of the Museum than usual, an itinerary created for parents with children aged 0 to 3 years old that crosses music and movement to merge with the works of art on display, creating magical moments of contemplation and listening.
In order to “speak” the language of young children, the visit will be exceptionally conducted without the use of words, leaving room for the nonverbal languages of art, dance and music.

it is not possible to visit the exhibition with strollers, we recommend the use of baby carriers or wraps for alternating itinerant and static moments
it is forbidden to introduce food and beverages

for info: edumaxxiaq@fondazionemaxxi.it

in collaboration with Cultural Association “Nati nelle Note”