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Friday 14 July 2023 at 19:00 - 21:00

#estatealMAXXIaq • talkIn conversation with Premio Strega Poesia 2023 Finalistswith Silvia Bre, Umberto Fiori, Vivian Lamarque, Stefano Simoncelli, Christian Sinicco

Palazzo Ardinghelli’s courtyard
free admission subject to availability

In conversation with the Finalists of the first edition of Premio Strega Poesia 2023

A decade after the establishment of the Premio Strega Giovani and the Premio Strega Europeo, a new and much-needed award dedicated to poetry has been added: the Premio Strega Poesia. On 19 May at the International Book Fair in Turin, five finalists, chosen between 135 participants, were announced:
Silvia Bre, Le campane, Einaudi
Umberto Fiori, Autoritratto automatico, Garzanti
Vivian Lamarque, L’amore da vecchia, Mondadori
Stefano Simoncelli, Sotto falso nome, Pequod
Christian Sinicco, Ballate di Lagosta, Donzelli

While awaiting the announcement of the winner on 5 October in Rome, the poets will also visit MAXXI L’Aquila, which has the goal to promote reading.

in collaboration with Fondazione Maria e Goffredo Bellonci, Liquore Strega

other events of the estate al MAXXI L'Aquila cycle