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Saturday 14 September 2024 at 16:30 - 17:30

performanceLucia Bricco and Myriam LaplanteImpermanent collection in collaboration with Elena Bellantoni, David Zerbib and the students of the Academy of Fine Arts of L’Aquila and the École Supérieure d’Art Annecy-Alpes

MAXXI L’Aquila, museum rooms
free admission subject to availability

A dreamlike, fragmented journey through the museum, where young artists give life to utopian visions and collective performances, illuminating the art of the future in a (im)permanent exhibition.

The museum, by its very nature a place of inspiration, becomes the conduit to lead us from one place to another. The performance Collezione Impermanente consists of a guided tour through the spaces of a museum which has been made dreamlike, mutable, fragmented, smoky, indeterminate. As an artistic language, performance has always refused to be caged: it is a phenomenon that happens at a precise moment to a human being who creates a situation that is considered a work of art, ephemeral and elusive in front of an audience,

Collezione Impermanente wants to look to the future. The young artists involved are invited to work in an imagined and desired space, in another vision, giving rise to the work through collective performance in a living, transient, unstable space, without the pretence of attempting to anchor a unique moment.
This is why the project involves young university students, guided in a path of creation of actions, glimpses, individual dreams in a collective context of mutual care. Each participant is asked to give life to a utopian vision: to reflect on their own future, to imagine a space for themselves, to generate change.
The museum spaces set aside for the visit are in semi-darkness, as if to capture the museum space in its nocturnal hours, those reserved for dreams, for the impalpable. Each performance is activated during the visit guided by Lucia Bricco and Myriam Laplante as part of a single (im)permanent exhibition formed by a complex and multifaceted series of tableaux vivants.

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