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Cecilia Canziani
Cecilia Canziani, Courtesy
Saturday 16 September 2023 at 11:00 - 11:30

talkCecilia CanzianiAct the public space

MAXXI L’Aquila, Eccezione stage
free entrance subject to availability

A reflection on the relationship between space, history and time of the event in contemporary art

Public space is not an a prior category: it is always under construction and is the product of the relationship between the place and the bodies that cross it.
The time of history and the ephemeral time of the event are two lenses through which it is possible to investigate how space is activated by contemporary art.

Cecilia Canziani is an independent curator and teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in L’Aquila. She is co-founder with Ilaria Gianni of the research center on contemporary art IUNO and with Angelika Burtsher, Agnese Canziani and Daniele Lupo of the editorial project of artist books for childhood Les Cerises. He regularly collaborates with Flash Art, his texts appear in catalogues and monographs.

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