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© Massimo Piunti
Saturday 14 September 2024 at 19:00 - 21:00

itinerant performanceSilvia Di GregorioTerre Sonanti – Il Mammut

From the Spanish Fort to the party in piazza Duomo
free admission subject to availability

A participatory art project that brings the Mammoth fossil, symbol of vital energy and rebirth for Abruzzo, back to life.

Terre sonanti – Il Mammut is a participatory art project symbolically bringing back to life the Mammoth fossil kept at the Museo Nazionale d’Abruzzo to collectively explore the imagery aroused by its presence and make it an expression of the generative power of art and the reawakening of a profound vital energy in the territory. On 14 September, a collective performance, both physical and acoustic, prepared in the preceding months with participatory workshops open to the entire community, will accompany the exit from the castle and the procession through the city of the ‘Mammoth’. This life-size reconstruction transfigured into a work of art marks the beginning of the subsequent ‘journey’ through the territory, which will pass through 13 municipalities in the L’Aquila area. The project is inspired by one of the identity symbols of the territory, promoting the synergy between organisations, associations, artists, students and communities to affirm the vitality of the cultural heritage and the potential it is capable of expressing when its meaning is renewed through participation. This makes the Mammoth a ‘resounding land’ that invites people to reconnect with a visionary force within themselves and to set out on a journey.

other events of the PERFORMATIVE 04 cycle