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_ph. Michela Di Savino
Thursday 12 September 2024 at 19:00 - 20:00

con-formanceMarta CiappinaDiary of a dance worker

MAXXI L’Aquila, Courtyard
free admission subject to availability

An intimate and fragmented look into the creative process of three great choreographers, through the notes of a dancer who explores the complex relationship between authors and performers.

Diario di una operaia della danza (Diary of a dance worker) appears as a confidential reading among the papers of private notebooks, containing notes produced during the creative process of choreographic productions written by three distinct authors: Marco D’Agostin, Michele Di Stefano, Alessandro Sciarroni.

The notebooks, scratched by the drafting of technical instructions and dramaturgical notes, and by the traces of a dancer’s loquacious restlessness, guard the delightful contradictions that eroticize the relationship between author and performer. A daily register that tries to delve deep into an inexplicable discourse full of rebuses, an assembly line with delicate gears that educates the interpreter’s equipment over time.
The interpreter walks slowly and judiciously, stumbles and somersaults, always smiling shows her teeth and spies with admiration the inventiveness of the authors finding consolation in their irresistible ingenuity.

Marta Ciappina, dancer, coach and teacher, trained in New York at the Trisha Brown Studio and Movement Research. As a dancer she works with Alessandro Sciarroni, Michele Di Stefano, Marco D’Agostin, Anagoor, Simona Bertozzi, Chiara Bersani, Tiziana Arnaboldi, Daniele Albanese, Daniele Ninarello. Ariella Vidach. As a teacher she collaborates with the Luca Ronconi School of the Piccolo Teatro in Milan directed by Carmelo Rifici, with the Advanced Training Course directed by the Arearea Company, with the Biennale Danza in Venice directed by Wayne McGregor and with the DA.RE project directed by Adriana Borriello. In 2022 she will receive the Danza&Danza Prize as a performer and in 2023 the Ubu Prize as a perfomer.


Of and with Marta Ciappina
with the support of IntercettAzioni – Lombardy Region Artistic Residence Centre (a project by Circuito CLAPS and Teatro delle Moire, Industria Scenica, Milano Musica, ZONA K)

other events of the PERFORMATIVE 04 cycle