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I sabati del merletto settembre 2023
Saturday 23 September 2023 at 11:00 - 19:00

Lace Saturdays

admission included in the Museum’s entrance ticket

To get to know the ancient tradition of lacemaking and try your hand at this art form!

From June to October MAXXI L’Aquila hosts the initiative “Lace Saturdays“, promoted by the Association “Il Miracolo Bianco delle Mani”.

The project stems from the touring exhibition promoted by the Ministry of Culture, which started in Venice in 2022 with “Lace Fridays”.
In these events, the public can watch some artistic creations being made by L’Aquila association and other communities taking part from all over Italy. Some works are exhibited within the Museum and the public can have a first-hand experience in the art of lacemaking with the guidance of experts sharing their experience.


The cultural association “Il Miracolo Bianco delle Mani”, based in L’Aquila, pursues the social goal of conservation, preservation, safekeeping, promotion of lacemaking and “Tombolo” lace. This is together with 24 lacemaking communities throughout Italy, taking part in the project bidding for the “Italian lacemaking expertise” to be listed as World Intangible Cultural Heritage, promoted and coordinated by the Ministry of Culture and carried out through a network of as many associations as these communities.


upcoming date

Saturday 28 October