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Elaborazione da immagine © The Blue Butterfly Emporium
Friday 24 September 2021 at 18:00 - 19:00

BooksLa lezione della farfallaby Daniel Lumera and Immaculata De Vivo

Sala della Voliera
Booking required.
Booking closes 10 minutes before the start of the event.
Individual seats reserved for holders of the myMAXXI card by emailing mymaxxi@fondazionemaxxi.it by the day before the event.

Seven awakenings to restructure our sense of identity and discover a new well-being

After the success of The Biology of Kindness, Daniel Lumera, an expert in well-being sciences, and Immaculata De Vivo, a professor of epidemiology at Harvard, suggest a revolutionary and multifaceted way that teaches us to face and overcome the great challenges we are experiencing, based on a new awareness resulting from a place where cutting-edge science meets ancient philosophy. A profound evolution that takes us forward into the future with new wings. Those of a butterfly.
Science, Lumera and De Vivo teach us, has shown how inclusive values such as empathy, kindness and forgiveness can have an extraordinary impact on genes, the processes of inflammation and ageing, chronic diseases and longevity, as well as on the same balances and harmonies in the outside world, from social processes to climate change. This gives rise to the need, one that is even biological, to link the health of the individual to that of all of us and the planet as a whole; a need to establish a more respectful and sustainable relationship with the environment that surrounds us – the same themes and challenges behind SHARPER 2021 – European Researchers’ Night – by eliminating discrimination and inequalities and rediscovering the potential of female values aimed at greater inclusion and kind leadership.

Introduced by:

Giovanna Melandri President Fondazione MAXXI


Daniel Lumera author of the book

In partnership with Mondadori

SHARPER – Project funded by the European Commission as part of the European Researchers’ Night – Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. GA 101036106