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ph. Diego Landi
Saturday 14 September 2024 at 18:00 - 19:00

con-formanceTiziano ScarpaProfitable examples of vice and virtue

MAXXI L’Aquila, Courtyard
free admission subject to availability

In an age deprived of heroes and saints, who can give us hints for a slightly more worthy life? In a lively and profound stage reading, Tiziano Scarpa enlists the help of plants, animals, objects and an exceptional guest.

Perhaps we have overestimated ourselves. By now it is clear that our species does not deserve to survive. So, to find some examples to inspire us to improve, we need to look elsewhere, to the animal and plant kingdoms, and even to objects. Or to those few human beings who still express something good. Tiziano Scarpa does just that: he looks around and looks for help from plants, animals and objects, he investigates their characteristics in order to draw an impulse, an injection of moral energy from them; but he also does this with the heroes and heroines of our time, as civil activists; and he makes use of the intervention of an exceptional guest. It is a a stand-up poetry not only because it is performed on a stage, but because it is made up of words that try to stay upright.

other events of the PERFORMATIVE 04 cycle