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Thursday 12 September 2024 at 18:00 - 19:00

performancerrosa trioOpen Wings. Chants and sounds in the courtyard with Anna M. Civico, Elena D’Ascenzo, Ambra Battistelli | special guest: Davide Zanini

MAXXI L’Aquila, Courtyard
free admission subject to availability

Archaic, Mediterranean and Near Eastern melodies to probe personal and collective memories.

rrosa trio presents a unique musical performance fusing Mediterranean voices and musical traditions, using oriental and Afro-Cuban instruments. Inspired by a Greek song from Epirus, the performance celebrates the evocative power of sound and memory. Archaic melodies and rhythms resonate within the walls of Palazzo Ardinghelli, evoking stories of love, nostalgia and work in different dialects and languages, including Arbereshe from Calabria, Griko from Salento, Abruzzo and Greece.

The performance involves instruments such as the esraj, Kurdish tanbur, shruti box, bongos, darbouka and bendir, which interact with the voices in a dialogue rich in nuances, from the harmonious to the dissonant. The acoustics of the venue become an integral part of the experience, making each performance unique and unrepeatable. The contribution of Davide Zanini, a musician and composer from Abruzzo, adds a further level of depth, exploring emotions through the rhythm of percussion.

other events of the PERFORMATIVE 04 cycle