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Of the nightingale I envy the fate © Andrea Macchia
Of the nightingale I envy the fate © Andrea Macchia
Thursday 14 September 2023 at 19:00 - 20:00

performanceMotus (Stefania Tansini)Of the nightingale I envy the fate

Palazzetto dei Nobili
free admission subject to availability

The battle of prophetess Cassandra is evoked by the body-voice of Stefania Tansini moments before her unjust killing

Of the nightingale I envy the fate, the gods have provided it with wings
and with the sweetest song that covers every lament,
while fate has in store for me to be slaughtered
by a terrible double-edged axe…
(Cassandra, Oresteia)

Cassandra’s talent as a prophetess is traced to the animal sphere, the uncivil and the wild. In the Oresteia, the coryphaeus compares her incomprehensible lament to the song of a nightingale: the title of this performance/shout comes from the response of the “unheeded young woman”, where Cassandra’s battle is evoked by the body-voice of Stefania Tansini moments before her unjust killing as a slave/adulteress and ξένη/foreigner.

Motus was founded in Rimini in 1991 by Enrico Casagrande and Daniela Nicolò; since its foundation it has been producing shows capable of recounting the most bitter contradictions of the present. The company’s work, made up of theatre, performances, installations, seminars and workshops is presented in Europe and all over the world.

ideation and direction Daniela Nicolò and Enrico Casagrande
with Stefania Tansini
dramaturgy Daniela Nicolò
live sound Enrico Casagrande
sound environments Demetrio Cecchitelli
technical direction and lighting design Theo Longuemare
piece of music R.Y.F. (Francesca Morello)

production Motus with TPE / Festival delle Colline Torinesi, residenze artistiche ospitate da Lavanderie a vapore Torino, Centro nazionale di produzione della danza Virgilio Sieni, AMAT Marche
with the support of MiC and Regione Emilia-Romagna

other events of the estate al MAXXI L'Aquila cycle